Interactive Retail Installation
Case Study
The Interactive Retail Installation is a way to make the shopping experience of the consumers better with help of technology. Unlike the traditional way of shopping, these setup stations let the consumers to see the products in a different way. The main advantage with this is that it attracts the customers to them and when a person interacts with the products, they will better remember it and the chances to buy the product increases automatically.This retail installation includes three types of interactive stations: Interactive Catalogue Station, Rotatinig Procuct Station and Touch Screen Station.
Interactive Catalogue Station
Station Overview
This is one the stations in which the consumer would be able to see the products live in front of them and along with that a screen showing details about the products and how to use this station. When the user walks towards the station, they will see some products lying on the table which they could touch and when they will pick up one of the products, the light sensor below it will send the signal to the screen in front of them, which would show similar produts. Then the consumer would be able to press the button to reveal the details about that product. Once the user is finished, he/she will put the product back on the table on the top of the sensor, which would reset the screen.
Rotating Product Station
Station Overview
This is the station in which user really gets an opportunity to interact with the product virtually. It consists of a large screen and a small cabinet in which the sensor will be fitted. Initially the screen will run a screensaver showing the product but as soon as the user approaches the station, the screen will change showing the product and how to use the station. The user would wave in the left or right direction on the sensor which would rotate the product on the screen. In this way, the consumers could get a 360O view of the product. By moving the hand in the forward direction, the user could get more information about the product. In this way, the consumer tends to give more interest in the product.
Touch Screen Station
Station Overview
Touch screen station is the third of the retail installation. It consists of table with a small touch screen on it. By default, it also runs a screen saver, but as the user clicks the screen it changes and give a bunch of options to choose from. In this, they get a chance to make their own outfit for them by choosing a combination of clothes. The user can choose from male and female, and could also click on the random button, if they want the computer to select a random outfit for them. Once the user has chosen their outfit, they will print a receipt of the printer, which would consist of their choice of clothing which would be shown the help representatives and get their clothes. In this station, the consumer gets chance to see how some clothes would appear on some particular gear, which is way helpful than watching those mannequins.